Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Vegas Movie Studio Editors Review


Vegas Movie Studio is the "entry-level" version, the primary compromise from Vegas Pro being that you're limited to a maximum of 4 audio and 4 video tracks per project (VPro supports unlimited tracks).

Vegas Studio is a user-friendly basic editing system that provides a wide variety of transitions and video effects. Vegas Studio is not very intuitive. Vegas Studio is perhaps the only NLE in the consumer market that supports 24p properly.

Vegas Movie Studio is perfect for making professional looking movies. Vegas Studio is a perfect application for those wanting to get their feet wet with a scalable video application. For more information on Vegas Movie Studio vist my web site!


Editing your movie is the way to get from movies that are just a DVD of the footage straight from your camera, to movies that have a sense of style. Editing HD is simple; just drop your clips on the timeline and go to work.

Sony Vegas Studio has been our top choice of video-editing software for many years, thanks to an inspired interface that keeps things extremely simple without compromising editing power. Preview performance can make or break video-editing software, and Vegas is better than ever in this respect.


Once your footage is captured, you can edit it by selecting a clip and dragging it onto the editing timeline, where you can apply effects, titles and transitions with ease.

It is the perfect tool to add great effects, and can give spectacular results when the movies are displayed on a TV. This package will allow you to apply blur effects and also cut out audio.

The large number of effects and filters are excellent. Vegas Studio also includes several color presets that will drastically alter your video to create interesting effects (for example, giving clips a red hue) or will help correct colors that fluctuate from one clip to the next due to lighting differences.


Vegas Movie Studio is available for a 30 day downloadable trial if you have any doubts. Vegas Studio is limited to 4 video tracks and 4 audio tracks whereas the full version of Vegas has unlimited video/audio tracks.

The interesting part of Vegas Studio is that free movie clips are available to you in case you feel like interlacing them into your video to spice things up.

Sony Vegas Studio is designed as a video editor but works just a well with still images. If you want to get into video editing beyond Windows Movie Maker (which isn’t bad, to be honest), Sony Vegas Movie Studio is the way to go.

Sony Vegas Studio is a popular program that is inexpensive and allows more control than the freebie programs but isn’t nearly as complicated as Final Cut. The price of Vegas Movie Studio 9 is $54.95 (Download) or $69.95 for the DVD plus shipping.

Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Edition is $84.95 (Download) or $99.95 for the DVD plus shipping.

Movie Studio 9 Platinum Pro Pack is normally $114.95 (Download)

Vegas Pro 8 is $549.95 USD (Download) or $599.95 for the DVD plus shipping.

For more information on Vegas Movie Studio vist my web site!

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